>>19966378Its not bullshit. It doesn't make it certain that you're going to get a shiny but it increases the chances. Especially in the FS where the chances are higher than usually. Try tipping the bard in kiloude 1,000 then 500 then 1,000. I caught a shiny wartortle after 20 encounters and a shiny sligoo after 40. There is a time limit, and you can only do it once per day. There's a huge thread on marilland where more than 70% report getting a shiny, and when I posted this in the otherthread an anon got a shiny pawniard on his first try. You can manipulate the time limit thing by change the dat/time on your ds, and altough it is not confirmed there is definitely something to it. Also, tipping only increases your style inside of lumiose city, that is to say, you can only tip people in lumiose to increase your style. Tipping the bard in kiloude has no effect.
That is another reason why it would make sense. Think of the masuda method; game freak is trying to encourage you to make friends and use the gts system more. In this instance, game freak attempts to make you more generous.
Also why its 1000, 500, 1000, I haven't the foggiest. I'm going to try different combos tomorrow to see which works the best. Try it before you knock it, son.