>>47120384Got a little drunk with some friends, did the flaming dog shit prank on some guy from our high school who beat us up back in the day (he still lived at home).
Knocked on his door and went to watch the fun from some bushes. He tries to put it out with a broom, which catches fire. He throws the broom IN the house, we can hear him panic and start seeing smoke. I called 911 and we all bolted from the place. Drove by there the next day, house looked fine. Found out the guy we were pranking had a full on breakdown not long after high school and lives at home because of his mental health issues. I still feel bad about what could have happened, even though this was 4 years ago now. I know for a fact that one of the other guys there that night frequents this board, so hi Dylan.
>TL;DR Almost caused a mentally deficient man to burn down his home by accident.