Quoted By:
Mega Mightyena
HP: 70 > 80
Atk: 90 > 105
Def: 70 > 80
SpA: 60 > 60
SpD: 60 > 80
Spe: 70 > 100
BST: 505, not hellaciously overpowered, but if used correctly it could be a real threat. I've been using a Moxie Mightyena for a while, and have come sooo close to setting up a sweep a few times, but it just fell short..
few instances; all from 100% HP
1 Moxie-boosted Play rough brought a Tyrantrum to ~5% HP
2 Moxie-boosted Sucker Punch brought an Infernape to ~10% HP
1 Moxie-boosted Crunch brought an Aegislash in shield form to ~5% HP