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Here's a supremely shitty, overly complicated gimmick: Pokemon fusion, but not like you're thinking.
It can only be done in a Double or Triple Battle, and can be done between any given Pokemon. One Pokemon serves as the "base," while the other(s) is considered a "component;" any number of fielded Pokemon can fuse at once, but it must be to the same base. A Pokemon can also separate, but this can't be on the same turn. Components that defuse will retain whatever state they were in prior to fusing. Fusing has a priority equal to Mega Evolution. For each Pokemon fused to the base recipient, the following changes are applied to the base.
>Size is increased by 50%
>Receives any non-volatile status the component had, provided they're not immune (e.g. Fire-types can't be burnt)
>Current and max HP increased by 20% of the component's maximum
>Attack, Defense, Sp.Atk, Sp.Def, and Speed are increased by 10% of the component's non-boosted stats
>Receives the effects of the component's Ability, except for Wonder Guard and any of the usual suspects (e.g. Comatose, Schooling)
>Gains access to an additional move, dictated by the component's species
E.g. Silvally grants Multi Attack, while Farfetch'd grants Swords Dance, and Cradily grants Ingrain.
>Gains a 50% chance to act an additional time each turn, maxing at 100%. Additional actions are handled by AI.
>Effects of its held Choice item are completely negated
>Gains immunity to all Ability altering effects
>Gains immunity to flinching, forced switch effects, OHKOs, Perish Song, and Destiny Bond