>>19913269Consider it for approval, if person A takes something away from person B, it's only natural for person B to want to get back at them. The most obvious way to do that is to take something from them. Alice does this as she sticks her hands through the bars and grabs a hold of the Honchkrow's fedora.
Not knowing the fedora is actually a part of his body, she rips it off of him and causes him to enter a bloody panic in front of his friends, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! M-MY FEDORA! MY HEAD! MY HEAD! ALL I SEE IS BLOOOOOD! BLOOOOOOD LEAKING EVERYWHERE! GOOD HEAVENS IT BUUUUUUUUUUUUURNS! I DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS, NOTHING! AND NOW ALL I SEE WHEN I CLOSE MY EYES ARE MY OWN DISFIGURED INNARDS!"
A never-ending gushing geyser of guts and stuff is flowing out of his head. Meanwhile Alice tries on the live fedora but finds that it really doesn't suit the clothing she has on now. Not a good match, really.
>Give it back?A) Let the crybaby have it.
B) Taunt and fake him out with it.
C) Be stubborn and keep it.