"Boomburst, dearie!~"
This time, you're the victor of the speed tie. Your Noivern ravages the battlefield in a blustery Hurricane that drowns out the sound of the other Noivern's attempted Boomburst. She is instead pelted heavily by gale forces beyond her control.
"This is it. This is what Hone Claws is for, to guarantee moments like these!"
For once, Drasna is not giggling, "Hmph.. Oh goodness, he doesn't want to stay still.. I'll have to try something else... Noivern, use Super Fang on him! I have a plan!"
Something in you starts irking real bad when you see her Noivern open her gaping maw,
and jut out some of the most untamed fangs you've ever seen. The amount of vileness contained, packed into one mouth is almost indescribable.
No way is that thing biting your wyvern anytime soon.
A) Use Shadow Claw!
B) Use Dragon Claw!
C) Use Steel Wing!
D) Use Wing Attack!