>>37914282you like pokemon who border on cute and cool
a huge gen 5 fan.
>>37914365another based Unovafag. Your currently in collage, wear beanies and glasses, and your poor as fuck.
>>37914416total furry. If you cant fuck it you dont want it
your seach history would bring tears to your mothers eyes, but you do you man not my thing but its fine.
>>37914417You loved the cute and ignored. you were bullied in school badly and love the underdog archetype.
>>37914451furry with a dash of kaiju and edge.
a furry, but not a vocal one, not the type to get on peoples nerves.
>>37914465a big fan of the earlier gens. you grew up on gens 1 and 2 or thier remakes. im guessing your the former and are a slightly older anon. you like a handfull of new mons but miss the old days. you listen to music from g/s to help you sleep on rough nights.
>>37914509You really like gen 4. you despise modern legendaries and hope they give them cool events like gen 4 did. definately a younger anon. Big into kaiju mons with a slight dash of cuter ones. you love to stay up til sunrise watching old monster movies badly dubbed into english.
>>37914517a equal blend of furry and cute. your very nostalgic for your childhood and cant stop living in the past.
>>37914564You like all pokemon gens but have a slight bias for the older games since you grew up on them. A generally agreeable person whos easy to get along with.
>>37914653a fan of the odd and distinct. you like a variety of creatures, whats important to you is originality and creativity is what matters to you. You love to debate with others and get them angry. Your very cynical but always keep your cool.
>>37914677Although you love pokemon you look like a frat dude. if someone finds out your a fan you'll always say your favorite is one of the tougher and edgier ones on your list, but you have a soft side to you nobody knows about.
>>37914713You love animals. they fascinated you since you were little.