SciresM Kalos Born Mega Mewtwo X and Y Giveaway
Austin 1048 8844 5869 !A6qVHzULaM No.20365260 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Just going to copy the post from the other day.
1. Add me before you post anything. (1048 8844 5869) IGN is Austin
2. Reply to the OP with your IGN, FC, and if you want both or just one of the mewtwos
3. Please do not send trade requests, I'll send the trade requests.
4. bullying is allowed
I have 26 of each, but I can restore my saves so I'll just distro until I get bored.
M-Mewtwo Y
Mewtwonite Y
-Calm Mind
-Fire Blast
-Ice Beam
M-Mewtwo X
Mewtwonite X
-Bulk Up
-Psycho Cut
-Brick Break