>>28778615But none of what you said is a legitimate complaint. "The designs are bad because I say so" is not an argument. "They're overdesigned because I say so" isn't an argument either. The designs are simple, with simple, pleasant color schemes to match. They quickly convey the theme and personalities of the pokemon at a glance. I really don't see the problem here.
And you're using proportions as an argument in Pokemon. Come on dude. "Oh no, the tiger's fingers are big!" It's a fucking POKEMON. He's a cartoony, over-the-top character. Pro wrestlers are cartoony, over-the-top characters. Again, I don't see the problem here.
And as for the "unnecessary details", we haven't seen them in action yet, we don't even know if they serve a purpose. Did you ever think that maybe the leaf on Robin Hoot's hood could easily be a reference to Robin Hood, who's commonly depicted with a feather in his hat? Probably not, because you just want something pointlessly minor to bitch about. The mermaid has a couple of starfish covering her ears. So what? She has some barely noticeable pink spikes at the base of her tail. Again, so what? And, *gasp*, her HAIR IS UP! How will Pokemon ever recover?
I'm going to break some news here; /vp/ is not the majority. /vp/'s opinions on things mean very little. /vp/ can bitch and moan and wail and gnash its teeth just as it does whenever a new set of starter evos is revealed, and guess what? Most people will still like them just fine, or at least be neutral toward them. The merch will still sell, and that's all that matters. Look at Greninja. 4Chan denounced it as edgy and ugly way back in 2013, and guess what? Greninja is extremely popular.
And as for accepting everything they throw at me, that's not true. I hate Samurott and Chesnaught with a passion. I just don't bitch incessantly about them on the internet, arrogantly thinking that GF will "do better next time", to suit my tastes.