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Beat Red once again. Fight was a little scary. Hondew took out Pikachu easily, Payapa took a Psychic and reltalited with a few Feint Attacks, then Blastoise came and froze Nabab, which was pretty scary as I didn't want Lum to have to face him down. Luckily (at red health) I unfroze and gaze him a good sparking. Payapa took care of Venusaur easily. Then Snorlax came on. I faced it with my own normal blob, Mago, who tried to defense curl to get a rollout sweep going but unfortunately took a crit so I had to milk drink. I kinda pushed my luck and got paralyzed so I tried using return. Maybe with slightly better damage roles or if I used pink bow instead of hard stone, she'd have lived. Luckily Red doesn't know how to use his full restores so Tanga came out and punched him. Badge boosts meant I outsped Charizard so she punched him again. Lum, like Lum(iose) last run, just sat and looked pretty. I was kinda hoping for either Hondew or Tanga to die, but I'll have to deal with them being unavailable. One more gen 2 to go, hopefully in one attempt.