Quoted By:
>Pokemon Dyna Diamond and Pokemon Max Pearl
>2021 Release
>Sinnoh Soft Reboot that take place after original games
>Characters from Pokemon: I Choose You appear in it
>Game is a "Gen 8.5" introducing new Pokemon and looking different from SWSH
>Full camera control in all areas
>Global Terminal now allows for direct connection to HOME without opening the app on Switch
>New trainers who aren't Lucas/Dawn. Look more like the Sun/Moon kids and are noticeably young
>Lots of fan service, including most major characters returning in some form
>You can surf on a rental Pokemon and swim to Mt. Steel, Battle Zone, and some misc. new islands (mostly one small island with an item/patch of grass)
>The Underground is just replaced with Dynamax Adventures and can't be explored
>New rival named Joe replaces Barry. Nice kid who wants to be a Pokemon Master but tends to get really nervous.
>Team Galactic is doing their original plan (even though it's an implied sequel) but they've been totally redesigned
>Cyrus got a huge overhaul and looks like a cyan haired himbo
>Contests are back and so is dressing up Pokemon but it's very limited
>Honey trees are back but they have a minigame involving farming honey through an app run by Cynthia's brother Alben
>Walking Pokemon are back from SWSH
>Will be compatible with Pokemon Walk, a phone app that lets you take your Pokemon on a stroll and collect ingame items
>SWSH and DDPM cannot trade and battle incompatible Pokemon
>Battle Frontier is replaced with a gigantic stadium that lets you battle Galarian Trainers against Sinnoh Trainers called the Galar-Sinnoh Cup
>Poketch Apps return but through a Rotom App Store
>There's a massive train that crosses through the region letting you skip Mt. Coronet except for plot related reasons
>New legendary is a fourth Lake Pokemon
That's all I got. Looks like shit honestly.