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Okay picking up on the shiny rate thing again.
Comment from the last thread:
>The greater the number of encounters, the quicker the distribution will approach a normal distribution bell curve. If anything your explanation sinks in the water and further highlights the fact that something is up with our shiny rate
What is up with it? The shiny pokemon rate is roughly 8/60k every time you encounter a Pokemon. We have 80k downloads and as said in the previous thread about 10 people posting about seeing shinies. What is the issue with this? First of we don't know how many people who downloaded the game played it, we don't know how many people who got shinies posted about it, we don't know how many people grind for them, we don't know jack shit about the actual amount of shinies per encounter and can't just be like "oh, we should have heard about more/less shinies so somethings 'wrong'".
But we do know that the encounter rate is determined by Pokemon Essentials to be 8/65536 on every encounter and we know that to beat our game the average player will have to battle more pokemon than in an official game which means they'll get more chances at finding a shiny. If you have an issue with the average non-grinding player running into a shiny lower their rate but why the fuck would you do that?