>>45576592NG just takes much more time than NG+, I can easily see it as 8 or 9 hours minimum.
If you really want to be optimal let's not get into the absolute hell that would be Wonder Trading and starting over if you don't get something good.
>Would you even use the Steel Trio?Foryu is the most likely due to excellent E4 typing, but speed holds it back
Scytill has excellent Speed and Attack but if it isn't OHKOing it isn't doing well.
>EvacycleThe other two are viable options though.
>NotRidley?NotRidley is incredibly viable for NG since it's at Level 60 and not that hard to get, just needing 8 Badges. So if I did route NG, absolutely yes.
>Jewipede?Jewipede manipulation is the holy grail but FR/LG based games aren't that good for manipulations. Level 70, amazing moves, can be theoretically caught as soon as you reach Animango...Jewpiede is the dream, it just has a lot of obstacles that would need to be figured out once we get the "how the fuck do I catch it?" part out of the way.
Remember you do get the Master Ball on Ruse Cruise 2, may as well use it on something that kicks ass for you.