>>26750520Oh god that reminds me of something that happened to someone in our chat group a few years back
>be member of VERY small Rizon chat group (15 people at most), mostly cyberpunk fans and casual gamers, pretty laid back environment>new guy shows up>asks if we play Pokemon and wants to exchange friend codes>I'm an antisocial faggot who hates having friends so I politely decline and say I don't have a code>one of the girls in our group gives him her friend code>she's the youngest, around 15 or 16 and has schizoaffective traits (she was very nice but was easily stressed out; nothing too autistic)>after a couple of weeks new guy starts flirting with her>we find a site with his info and he's like some 35 year old German guy>admin of the group warns him to knock it off>dude throws a fucking bitch-fit of enormous proportions, cussed out all the mods>b& >girl disappears from chat>after a month or so admin's worry>track her down and find out she's dating the guy but wants out>guy is like stalking her profiles and constantly contacting her>threatens to kill himself if she leaves, the usual>really affecting her mental health adversely>flunks out of all her classes, goes on an extended leave of absence>find this guy's own IRC group; filled with braindead alt-right dudes who are quite literally the dumbest people I've ever spoken to (one of them was going on and on about chemtrails, for example)>next day one of the admin's imageboards they ran spammed with links to CP>this guy brags about it in the IRC group like a retard>consider reporting him to like, the FBI>girl says we can't because he's been paying her medical for the last six months at this point>what>eventually get her to block him everywhere>next day all her personal information is posted all over /b/>never hear from either of them againPokémon sometimes connects you to people you'd rather not meet.