>>21079101My issue with Cyrus is his team. Had they blown up some shit, kidnapped some pokes, and/or killed some people, it would have helped hit home just how desperately Cyrus wanted his goal.
And of course, they can always then use the cliche, "I only seeded such destruction because I thought all my evil would be undone with Dialga under my control. Alas, what have I done!?" - then go into repent mode.
As is, he feels overly edgy to begin, and really wishy washy when he has his change of feelings.
> They don't pursue any far-fetched, supernatural goals, they just act like a mafia, try to make money from illegal businesses, and blackmail/extort local businesses.It's implied that Rocket created Mewtwo. That's pretty far-fetched as far as I'm concerned.
Besides, it's all about Team Aqua masterace.