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I've been dicking around with a couple fangames, I built up a list of ones I was gonna try. Initially I played Pokemon Run, an interesting take on the "Horror Pokemon" meme with a focus more on tension and resource-limiting done in a more earnest way. Barring the godawful fetchquests in that big-ass mountain that you can only navigate by moving in one fucking direction, it was overall pretty interesting. The limited and weird ways you get access to Pokemon, the overall "threat" to them, and how the difficulty scaled made me think "Pokemon Reborn done right." It's not amazing, it's kinda glitchy (music especially), and it still gets stupidly edgy (I stopped playing after I sacrificed a Regice to Baphomet - mainly because I just had no idea what to do from that point onwards, the game is way too directionless), but it's definitely an interesting game. Oh and the trainer battle music is fucking killer. I dunno if it's an original track or not but I legit caught myself jiving to it.
Another one I'm dicking around with actively is Pokemon M, which seems to be a "prequel" to Gen 1 where you play as an MK Ultra victim for some evil org and you get a Mew. The gimmick is you work for the villains as a hypnotized sleeper agent, and can do shit for them like bring in Pokemon to act as gene-splicing test subjects (Which provides interesting delta Pokemon like a fire-type Rattata with Moxie), and the overall difficulty curve and challenge is very good. The only really bullshit encoutner I've had was the second gym which was just a double battle with two Tauros that were feedback loops for each other. It's also pretty edgy, like one of the sidequests is resolving the murder of a gym leader, but I kinda enjoy what it's got going on in a guilty pleasure sort of way. Pic related is from the game.