That's Koga down after taking some time to EV train our new two-star in they're literally two stars, Starmie is pretty great. Koga was almost a clean sweep until his Muk decided to get ideas, Minimizing up until Inanna had to switch out in fear of dying of Poison, Karlita Marxx having to serve as an unfortunate sacrifice, taking out the Muk but dying to Poison in the same turn.
I'm feeling a bit impatient about starting XD, so I've more or less given in to the call of a Starmie dual sweep. With an optimal moveset (Inanna only missing Thunderbolt due to inefficient funds) there are only two mons in the entire league that Starmie can't hit super effectively (namely the two Psychics; Lorelei's Jynx and Blue's Alakazam), but that's TWENTY FOUR mons it hits super effectively, which is pretty wild.
>>54125778Shame about Drifloon, but I'm interested in seeing Mukrow Ikusaba's journey (I WILL watch out for her)