>mfw i lose yamask to another fucking air critter sigilyphThis thing is so fucking stupid. I always get tilted and fight the gym leader right after something dies instead of grinding more but fuck this bullshit, I'm mad.
>>43321473>>43322282That's half the fun, lol. I would give up but I hate SacredGold right now so I'm biased. The reason I do wipe = game over is because grinding a whole new team of shitmons 30 levels is a fate worse than death. I admire your dedication. I honestly want to restart my own run because I lost way too many good mons.
>>43322583Eggplant is
Darumaka. The rest are the correct/close enough, nice job.
>>43322710S for Kadabra. Guess half the strategy of marathons is knowing what you don't need. And it's fine, a lot of them are stretches. Some could've been more obvious too, like :crocodile: instead of :sunglasses:.
>>43322833Are wedlockes fun? Never cared to try.