>>53167621> It's 25 years of the hero Satoshi in the main story of the anime:Final chapter, epilogue. Satoshi and Serena have a very emotional reunion expressing their feelings, dreams, memories and happiness in their declaration of love in the place where they were born and grew up in Pallet Town, they kiss on the lips. Serena is wearing her blue ribbon that Satoshi gave her (XY59, first date). All their loved ones and pokémon listen and excitedly support the SatoSere couple making valuable photographic and video memories by placing next to the trophies, medals and Satoshi's blue handkerchief given by Serena (XY 07). Later they grow up, Satoshi and Serena get married, live together in Pallet Town and support their daughter Liko by connecting her life, feelings and dreams of her parents Satoshi and Serena.