Welcome to the Pokemon Sun & Moon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.
>SOME-STUFFS SUBS (up to date):http://some-stuffs.com/category/pokemon/>PM SUBS (extremely out of date):http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/#PocketMonstersSun&MoonSubbed>Preview of upcoming episodes:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMW3B-eFJpg>Preview of next week's episode:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNHkte4gC8EUpcoming episodes:
>August 23rd: SM87 - Crisis in Alola! The Darkness that Eats Radiance!!>August 30th: SM88 - Lunala VS UB: BLACK! A Battle at Full Moon!!>September 6th: SM89 - A Prism of Light and Darkness: Its name is Necrozma!NEXT: POCKET MONSTERS SUN & MOON 87 - CRISIS ALOLA! THE DARKNESS THAT EATS RADIANCE!!
>One morning, Satoshi notices that Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet are feeling down. Once he gets to the Pokémon School, he talks with his classmates, and it appears their mothers and fathers are feeling down as well. The Ultra Guardians dispatch in order to investigate this mystery. But then a new member appears.>Summary:>Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet aren't their usual energetic selves. A mysterious cloudy weather covers Alola as Satoshi gets to school, and when he talks to his friends, he learns that everyone's fathers and mothers are feeling down as well. On Lusamine's orders, the Ultra Guardians dispatch to investigate the mystery, but...?!UPCOMING SHIT:
SM87 - Crisis in Alola! The Darkness that Eats Radiance!!
SM88 - Lunala VS UB: BLACK! A Battle at Full Moon!!
SM89 - A Prism of Light and Darkness: Its name is Necrozma!