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Pokemon Legends: G.S.
> Revealed as part of pokemon day during pokemon presentation.
> Trailer shows a scroll on a table and the scroll is untied slowly and opened and starts as a painted calligraphy okami style type drawing.
> Narrator starts speaking, telling the story of a burning temple and pokemon lost because of the temple burning.
> the story speaks of a hero and 2 legendary pokemon who accompanied him during that time, and battled along side the hero to defend a large regional village festival.
> One Legendary pokemon who was known as a monster, who called forth hurricanes into battle, and another that wielded holy fire that revived the pokemon lost in the temple burning.
> We are shown this story through drawings on a scroll
> Once story has been told seemingly in-game footage is shown and our player protagonist is shown at the stairs of a temple with bright orange foliage falling around at Night time.
> The trainer is accompanied by a large Noctowl standing by his side. only the players back is shown with a half view of the temple stairs and temple above.
> We then see a shot of the trainers mouth and nose only, the trainer smiles, and the footage goes back to a painted drawing on a scroll.
> the scroll closes, reties and starts to spin slow to fast, then slows down very very slow, this is accompanied by a clock sound slowing down, and disappears into green dust.
> Green Dust is then blown away with Feathers in the wind. revealing a title on the screen
> "Pokemon Legends: G.S
> title Logo is the previous "Poke'mon Legends" logo. with Gold caligraphy styled "G", with a distinct feather attached to it. And a Silver/Gray "S" that looks like a very wispy lugia shape and ends in a swirl looking like wind. Logo also has pieces of green dust behind it (recreated as pictured)
> Release Late 2024.
> for Nintendo Switch.
will be back later in year with more information. Happy Pokemon day!
- magibaiserG