>>54376084It was never supposed to end, you stupid cocksnot. When they continued the game series, they similarly decided to use its best marketing tool further. Some egotistical, out-of-touch ACTUAL baby-boomer-era boomer fuck deciding he didn't want to play pogeymans any more speaks to how obtuse the tranny fuck was, because Pokémon was still fucking monstrous in Japan then, while it died off to regress to its average in the west.
And I guarantee you're an afterbirth that started after Shudo got fucked out the wheelhouse too, so you're hypocritical as fuck too. The cartoon is directly responsible for invested overage fans, as they were the ones actively watching and being introduced to all the new shit when their brains were malleable and formative. Pic very much related. The power of science is staggering!
>>54376092Already covered that cockbreath
>>54374485. If it respects you, it will (even in-game, you, the MC, is stated to be some kind of savant, with a powerful aura/manner about you, clearly different and a level above most the trainers in a region). If it thinks you're a pussy bitch, it'll ignore you (outside trades or those caught beyond your badge exp in-game, the countless different pokémon that refused to battle due to lack of respect for the person attempting to command them in stark contrast to the many wild pokémon who battle under a person's guidance due to respect for the human). It's kodomo, not shonen. So it doesn't need to be randomly edgy to sell, little boys love the shit anyway without needing to add angst to it.