>>54844083>Thing you dislike in your favorite gameNon-reusable TMs and really goofy level-up learnpools for most mons
>Thing you enjoy in your least favorite gamePresentation of gyms
>Worst designed mon per generationSeaking, Tyrogue, Luvdisc, Probobass, All 3 elemental monkeys, Spewpa, Bruxish, Obstagoon, Tinkaton
>Best designed mon per generationNidoking, Tyranitar, Linoone, Magnezone, Haxorus, Trevenant, Kartana, Dragapult, Slither WIng
>Favorite 3 romhacks or fangamesClover, Radical Red, Touhoumon
>Most used /vp/ reaction imagepicrel for you niggers too lazy to stop faptime and answer
>Worst /vp/ memeI'm struggling to choose. Even memes I thought I hated have started to grow on me over time.
>Favorite 3 route themesSnow routes in D/P/Pt, Route 119 in Gen 3, Kanto Route 12
>Favorite 3 battle themesFRLG Final Rival, Stadium 2's Rival remix used for Lance in GLC, Galar gym leader
>5 most disappointing tracksIris Battle, ORAS' champion remix, BDSP's entire soundtrack, Lavender Town sounds like shit the more any remake tries to modernize it, Toby Fox's battle tower theme is really overrated
>First pokemon gameRed followed shortly by Yellow
>>54844101Fellow sneaky pebbles enjoyer
>>54844214Sit down, play any game and have a good time. Or a bad time. Feeling anything will make the experience worthwhile either way.