i'm no good at this sort of thing, so please forgive me for any false interpretations!
>>39047777nice digits. you enjoy following trends but you're kind of an outcast.
>>39047788you're an old soul but you haven't fully realized it yet.
>>39047826you're occasionally overburdening to those around you and you have a few niche/obscure hobbies.
>>39047920very reliable. real life gigachad. good taste, by the way.
>>39048077you're obnoxious but lovable.
>>39048351you're emotionally unstable. your good days are really good and you tend to come off as incredibly effervescent to those around you, and your bad days are just really, really bad.
>>39048775you're stoic and a logical thinker. kind to everyone whether or not they truly deserve it, but that doesn't necessarily mean you like everyone.
>>39048855you're opinionated and bad at making important decisions.
>>39048873you're a total nerd who has "friends" but isn't good at interacting with them due to clashing interests.
>>39051239you're funny and charismatic. you aren't overtly kind, but you aren't a total asshole, either.
>>39051624you're very intelligent but kind of modest about it.
>>39051828you are a furry and your favorite Pokémon titles are the Mystery Dungeon ones.