alright, as I said I plan to do ranked with /pug/ since I have been seen great results with that. Going to play smarter too so wrote some guidelines (pic related) to help us all.
I see people like
>>48633220, AZ, H, etc, playing alone, people whit whom I have played in teams all together and done great, and who I see are playing alone right now, that's huge wasted potential, and I bet I have already played with most of you.
The intention of the guidelines is to get a daily/continuous lobby ongoing on the general to start playing this heavily team based game as an actual team, and not having to force people that do not want to be team leaders by just giving them the guidelines to follow.
This way we will have a way to coordinate without having to use Discord, for those of us that are shy or want to simply remain as anonymous as they can (as this site is intended to be used)
Please if anyone wants to suggest changes or additions to the guidelines it would be appreciate it.
Sorry for the ugly editing in the image (I wanted a mexican meme in the background) will fix it later.
Current lobby: 25619886
will start Calibration standard match when we get 3 (+ a few minutes of leeway), if you want us to wait just reply.