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Morty defeated, but not quite in the way I had expected. I figured Shower Thot would be my best bet against the gym since he's neutral to Ghost and has Confusion for super effective damage, so I let him run through the gym. Initial observation tells me that he's strong enough to oneshot Gastly with Confusion, but only just barely strong enough to twoshot Haunter, meaning that Gengar is probably at best a threeshot. Shower Thot is thankfully quite speedy, so he's able to outspeed both Gastly and Haunter, meaning the only big worry I have is the Gengar, so I figure I might have to do the usual carousel of switcharoos against Morty's Gengar.
>Send out Shower Thot, Morty sends out Gastly
>Shower Thot outspeeds and oneshots with Confusion
>Morty sends out Haunter
>Confusion does about 70% HP, Haunter uses Night Shade which does a decent chunk
>Next turn KO, Morty sends out Gengar
>Figure the best thing to do is use Stun Spore since I likely won't be staying in with Shower Thot for long
>Gengar uses Mean Look turn one
>Shower Thot thankfully lands Stun Spore, but that is still at least three turns where if the Gengar lands Hypnosis I'm basically fucked
>Shower Thot uses Confusion, 40% HP of damage done, Gengar is fully paralyzed
>Shower Thot uses Confusion, Gengar only has 20% HP left and...is fully paralyzed a second turn in a row
>Finish off Gengar, as well as the next Haunter who wastes a turn on Spite
Shower Thot you fuzzy bastard I will never underestimate you again