Since I'm busting out the list again, I may as well add all the things I'm looking for, which admittedly isn't much now.
>BP items>Apricorn Balls>Leek>0 Speed 4-5 IV Ditto>Some shitmons I don't currently have I suppose in decent balls.>Mew>>42680457>HA Pokemon -Deino - Beast
Farfetch'd - Premier
Duraludon - Heavy
Gothita - Heal
Kerrablast - Timer
Passimian - Friend
Corphish - Ultra/Fast
Falinks - Repeat/Fast
Hatenna - Love/Dream
Applin - Friend
Rookiedee - Luxury
Dhelmise - Dream
Cufant - Heavy
Cramorant - Dive
Pincurchin - Level
Indeedee - Dream
Galarian Zigzagoon - Luxury
Galarian Corsola - Premier
Munchlax - Heavy
Duskull - Moon
Pyukumuku - Love
Cherubi - Love
Eevee - Lure/Love/Dream/Beast
Tyrogue - Level
Clobbopus - Quick/Fast
Phantump - Moon
Rolycoly - Heavy
Litwick - Moon
Silicobra - Heavy
Goomy - Dream
Swirlix - Love
Chewtle - Lure
Onix - Heavy
Solosis - Friend
G Meowth - Heavy
Honedge - Dream
Yamask - Moon
Wimpod - Lure
Snorunt - Lure
Drampa - Beast
Arrokuda - Beast
Pawniard - Level
Rufflet - Luxury
Snom - Friend/Moon/Love
>Non HA -Eevee - Moon
Cutiefly - Love
Sinistea - Moon/Love
Cleffa - Love
Axew - Moon
Shellder - Beast
Ferroseed - Moon
Dreepy - Level/Beast/Moon
Durant - Heavy
Croagunk - Lure
Rhyhorn - Heavy
Wooloo - Moon
G Slowpoke - Dream
Dewpider - Beast
Turtonator - Heavy
Stonejourner - Heavy
Cottonee - Moon
Wishiwashi - Beast
Morpeko - Love/Level
Yamper - Fast
Binacle - Level
Mimikyu - Moon/Love
Snom - Dream
Larvitar - Friend