>>37732449Do you honestly think most of the people making these jokes actually fucking have depression though? It's like all the people who pretend to be autistic, or fuck, the transtrenders. People co-opt mental illnesses in an attempt to cobble together some sort of personality because it's easier to pretend you have, or convince yourself you have, a mental disability than a physical one.
If you think I'm fucking wrong, there are people who actually DO act like they have physical disabilities they don't have, some of these retards will act like they're supposed to be actual amputee victims, saying how they really feel like they don't have that arm that they actually have. It fucking happens cunt, you and your struggles are nothing more than an accessory to these people.
>>37732963Gonna be perfectly honest, some people's mental state is so unfixable, or their physical conditions are so unbearable, that forcing them to stay alive for the comfort of other people is the most selfish thing of all. Would you tell someone to just keep flagellating themselves because it brings a smile to the faces of two people? The happiness of two is worth more than the happiness of one after all. This is a situation too goddamn complex for those sorts of platitudes.