>>33689205>Perma virgin talking about vcardsloling forever. I lost mine 15 years ago gen 5 baby. You'll likely never lose yours though.
>>33689301Imagine being so pathetic that you get triggered by anime girls on 4chan
I can practically smell reddit on you.
>>33689309>Gen 5 cuck shits the bed and recoils when he gets called outLiterally vases made out of clay.
>>33689315>Gets crucified >Only retort is "You didn’t prove shit."IMAGINE being this guy
>Two out of the three sources you provided were from less than a week ago, when everybody found out that USUM was basically Pokémon Emerald of Gen 7.Pic related, try to back peddle again you sad little faggot. Quite literally from last year, nobody thought it was a sequel. Everybody knew it was going to be a third version, the only thing is they didn't know if it would be for the Switch or the 3DS.
>People wanted the alternate story to mean a story with characters roles swapped aroundNo they never.
>“Boohoo they won’t make another Black and White 2” Couldn’t counter the point could youI just did. Again. Keep crying that BW2 version 2.0 is never going to happen lmao
>It’s people like you who annoy meGood.
>“I dont rush to the defense of my favourite gen when people dislike it” I already mentioned that it’s not my favourite gen.And I already mentioned that I don't give a fuck what your supposed favourite is.
>You started a debate and I debated. You debated, lost, and then threw a tantrum. I welcome you to continue trying though, maybe you'll put forward and argument that isn't weak as fuck this itme.
>Don’t try to act like you were just being nice and expressing your opinion.I've been berating your cuck tendencies from the start. Not my fault you're too dim witted to have caught on to that.