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Alright /vp/, I have a box and a half of Adamant Mawile and I'm willing to give them out for free to kind and loving trainers who won't do lewd things to them. I don't need anything in particular seeing as they're free, you be the judge on how much these are worth and trade me that accordingly.
If you want one do the following:
>put both your ingame name and friend code in the subject field and type some random shit for your post
>go in-game and make sure the blue button on the top of the PSS is connected to the internet
>find me in the friends list and request a trade, or I'll find you
>trade a derp for Mawile and then end the trade
What's special about these Mawile you ask?
>they all have a heart scale attached
>they all have a decent IV spread, not 5 IV mons but it's free so 3-5 average is good enough you min-maxing fag
>they have fire/ice/thunder fang and sucker punch for egg moves
>they have Sheer Force because I know how much /vp/ loves Mawile's sheer force
>they all have Pokerus for weirdos who somehow don't have that in their save already.
So come and get one if your interested.