>>39451641>M8, they literally state that XY protags are older than Emma, who is explicitly 16.>It's canon that their 17-18 years old.When? During what scene? During what dialogue tree? Can you provide a screen cap?
I"ve played through the game multiple times Emma is definitely said to be 16 but I know for a fact Serena and Calem's ages are never referenced anywhere in X/Y by anyone including Looker either directly or indirectly. He does call them kids though.
Also 17-18? You are telling me that three kids and one more that just moved to that town all together put off getting their Pokemon licenses and their first pokemon for six-seven years since most start their careers at 10 or 11 and then coiencidently when the new ADULT moves into town they decide to drop everything in their lives to become trainers that they had been putting off for all that time because an scientist sent them an inventation they would have got when they were 10 or 11 too.... is that you are saying?
There is a reason trainers are 10 or 11 years old, they literally have no commitments (except education which don't even get me started on, its another retarded thing about the plot)