>>43829902And that's a wrap. Sidney was floored by Husky and Phoebe was floored by Ted. Glacia though. Humpk was my plan for Glacia from the start but her Walrein won in the end, and I lost Humpk. At that point I didn't know what I was going to do about Steven, as Humpk's tankiness and fire was my plan...
Drake I started with Husky and baton passed his speed to Luna who Ice Beam'd everything.
Steven. Skarmory setting up spikes was troubling but Ted was able to beat the bird. Armaldo came next and I just had to hope Waterfall would one shot it. It did and then came Cradily. I had nothing for this except Toxic with Glump. After a while and healing, Glump came out on top with pretty high HP. Steven's Aggron came next and I was sure it didn't have any fire or ice moves so Glump just stayed in and healed off it. No worries. Claydol was the same deal.
It was finally time for Metagross. I stayed in with Glump as he was the only tank I really had left. Incredibly he survived Mega-Meta's hits and did little damage back. When he used Giga Impact I took the chance and switched to Ted to nail the final Crunch and with it ending it all
I haven't done a Nuzlocke or played ORAS in so long, this was pretty tough and fun. Might make some art or something of my favorite moments, or jump into the next run. Maybe Ultra Sun since it's been a while since that too