- I'm out of Kangaskhan and Froakie
- I'm out of female Tyrunt
- I'm out of Male Honedge with 0 Speed, only those with HP Atk Def and SpD left that have male
- I'm deleting some friends now coz I'm out of space. No hard feelings
>>16130653I'd love a female zubat pls. Adding
>>16130775How good are Vivi and Bergmite's IV? If they are females and have 4IVs you will be my saint. Adding
>>16130797Out of Roos sorry bro, but I have birdies for you. I got all Vivis so I'll take female clauncher. Adding
>>16130822>>16131014I have a few left both genders. If you have a female Ferroseed with HP IV that would be awesome. Adding
>>16130872I'll take all the stone ones and a leafeon. In return I'll send you a few pair of parents Fletchlings and Bunnelbys so you can breed easily. I'm nout of Gible and Khan
>>16130950T-t-thanks anon
>>16130985Oh nice I don't have this one yet