I am bored as fuck, X/Y are out soon and I want to do /vp/ a favor.
Anyone rolling a double gets a breedable shiny Pokémon of his/her choice. Here are the rules:
>Post only valid if it contains at least the desired Pokémon plus Friend Code (you may quote your previous post and re-roll)>You may choose your desired nature, gender, ability, nickname and up to 2 max IVed stats (if you don't have any desires, I'll go for random)>B/W/2 only>I lack a LOT of Pokémon in Black, so you can only pick anything listed below, unfortunately (use Ctrl+F and search for the lowest stage of the Pokémon, can't do baby Pokés besides Tyrogue atm)http://pastebin.com/p4GTr35A>I didn't RNG for a while now, so I apologize in advance if it takes a bit long (the whole hatching process should take 15-20 minutes I hope)>No egg moves (at it would be too complicated and would take too much time to find/list them all)>I will do 3 breeds today, so be quick (I'll do more in the coming days and if I get into it again, I'll breed more Pokés a day)>Handing in a Pokémon not listed helps me increase my collection and helps anons in future to have a bigger choice (anything I can't catch in Black preferred, I was just too lazy to catch a load of Pokémon yet)