You cower as your uncontrollably lusty body stalks you down like a hunter and his food. You close your legs with a blush, "N-No!" you squeal, "Y-You can't have my body!~ I don't approve!~"
If only because you don't want your first time to be with yourself.
Serena grabs her aching dick, raging hormones that she can't control because she's in her a dude's body, only a dudebro like you can tame such a wild beast, "I-I'm sorry, I can't help it...I need fuck--I NEED FUCK, I NEED FUCK SO HARD!~ It's all I ever think about, I just--I can't, I can't hold it in anymore, I have to blow this load!~"
She lunges forward and manages to nip one of your breasts, "Unf~" she moans.
Before Serena can cop anymore lewd feels, you yank her balls so hard that she falls to the ground with a [beaten horse joke], "Y-You can't have my booty! I-It's not right, I can only think about boring stuff!"
Serena clutches her abdomen, moaning in pain.
"I wanna die. But...I gotta stroke first."
You now have exactly twenty seconds to get out of this timeshare and find a safe place to hide.
>Where do you run to?I'm laughing so fucking much right now.