Whiteouts: 8
I decided to stop using the EXP share since I felt my mons were a bit overleveled, then I immediately get ganked on this route by a guy with a bunch of overleveled mons with really good movepools, a fucking Exeggutor that refused to die and did a trillion damage with Psyshock and this stupid Quagsire that kept on spamming Ground moves.
I hate how inconsistent this game's difficulty is.
On another note, I'm kinda stuck with a quest in an island were a lady asks to find gladiator mercenaries to save her son, there's one near the island but I couldn't find the others anywhere.
>>55790935There's Tacitus' famous quote.
>"In Germany no one laughs at vice, nor do they call it fashion to corrupt and to be corrupted"You also have degenerates claiming Hellenic Greece was a bed for hedonism and faggotry when it was anything but, there was even a term in Greek known as "Konaidos" which is essentially a slang for faggot or pedo, these degenerates were straight up kicked out of society in Greece, of course (((historians))) and (((schools))) wouldn't tell you this.
>>55790991Muslims claim to hate niggers and faggots even though they're often niggers and faggots themselves.