>>47649686>>47650712As for the first part:
>Lillie as a less active characterYeah, but it's not just that. She is shoehorned in as trying to fill the same role and those posters we saw during the USUM period made everything seem more epic, but instead she did the same stuff, but just without any of the impact or confrontation. This is why i'll go on for hours about why Lusamine is a horrible character in USUM, and a decent (by normal standards) in SM (Though i really liked her anyways) since she went from a sick person to just a control freak alone that never had an encounter like the ultra space which made sense for her character with Lillie. Instead we're supposed to believe that off screen all of the development that happened in SM happened whilst we were beating Pokegod 2 Electric Boogaloo.
Sure you could say "they are focusing on other parts", but they've actively changed the characters arc so they are telling a DIFFERENT story with DIFFERENT characters that are vastly worse then the ones we already have.
But yeah SM's story is deff not perfect and i could pick it apart if i would, but hey i like it more than i hate it.
Sidetracks aside Lillie needs to leave to complete her character.
She's having HER trial to adulthood that she had been witness to us having through the trials. Sure she stodd up to her problems, but that doesn't mean that the work's done now she just has the right attitude. Bla bla she needs the independence and her own journey in Kanto to grow herself, and i was disapointed that we didn't even get a single "haha hi im Lillie im in Kanto going through my Gym challenge hey have you heard of Alola?" in Let's Go P/E (even though it would've probably been badly done)
Anyways i hope you're enjoying the chat, because it's been nice to me so far- thanks for being willing to talk it through anon