>>22810561Pretty average trainer, should ditch the garbage processed pokemon food, and feed them something with some protein.
>>22810983Fellow breeder. You seem like a pretty chill guy. Tyrantrum is cool but the rest of your pokemon are pretty meh.
>>22811470Hello again, girl with the same name as my dragon. How goes the ghost stuff?
>>22812112I hope not.
>>22812267I feel like there's some sort of theme I'm missing here, but I'm just too fucking uncultured. Awesome team nevertheless.
>>22813542Your team is awesome, and I like when trainers have a goal other than "I dunno, travel and battle I guess." Would enjoy a show.
>>22817826Good to see you've updated from that strange chibi art in your last sheet. Why MREs though? Seems like some trail mix or granola bars would suffice and be a lot tastier. Everytime somebody has a legendary on their list, I assume that their main goal is hunting down that pokemon, so I wish you luck in catching a wild dragon that can outspeed fighter jets.
>>22818779I hope this is a joke. People who unironically dress/act like this make my skin crawl. Absol, Unfezant, and Ninetales are some top-shelf picks though, I must admit.