Welcome to Showderp. Here, a person with a tripcode claims as champ, as he fishes up a full team of Pokemon to use at Pokemon Showdown. After he is done with his team, he may either call a new team or call a new champ, where another tripfag can take his place. If you still don't know how this works, read the rules and lurk more.
>fishing spotdogars.ga>art aquariumshow.booru.orgbooru.dogars.ga>how to fish (please read)https://pastebin.com/dEhQ6Bu4>current fishermanMr. Sableye !SableyeCnI
>last bread>>45490296Don't forget to use /modjoin off when an opponent locks a battle, and be wary about what you say in the chat, as the power tripping moderation will try to find a way to justify locking you.