>>37469931>How does it do now I know fuck all about the metagameLedian is now the ultimate revenge killer. Anything that doesn't carry priority is guaranteed to die before it can do anything, and those that do carry priority can barely leave a scratch on its boosted defences. No such thing as a safe switch in exists. The typical Ledian set is mixed, carrying movesets like Bug Buzz, Drain Punch, Thunder Punch, and Ice Punch. This provides neutral coverage, but the primary goal is to spam that STAB 90 BP sub-piercing move coming off of 1254 SpA (1374 if running +SpA nature) that can get a Swarm boost if you're very lucky.
Ledian can be revenge killed with a powerful Pursuit, but in a Tapu-dominated metagame that just had the most powerful Bug-type added to it, I struggle to see effective Pursuit users fairing well. Thus, Ledian has two true weaknesses - Stealth Rock, and Protect. Stealth Rock is already immensely popular, so people have no problem with shoehorning it into even more teams. Protect, however, is a bit more painful to use. Thus, instead of forcing it into playstyles it hinders, people instead change their teams to be focused around the only playstyle that is willing to use Protect a lot - stall.
So congratulations, OP. In an attempt to buff a pokemon that is meant to be weak because your autism demands that you must only like strong pokemon, you have not only the most cancerous move more popular, but also made the most cancerous playstyle more popular. I love Ledian as much as the next guy, but jesus christ, just let it be shit. It really doesn't matter if it's winning championships or not.