Two starters and one is furbait at that. Sunflora is only interesting one everything is normalfag tier
furbait and terrible looking ghost types. However Carvine is nice.
Average team and probably an average person as well
>>269367162.5/10 most likely a tranny
some interesting pokemon
Wigglytuff is cool but everything else is quite lame or creepy.
Overrated dog and Edgy luxray
Very nice omastar, you had me nod my head in agreement. However,
Terrible starter and vaporeon
two eeveelutions and clearly an underage fag who started with fourth gen
Only queers use luxray, let alone a shiny one.
Granbull is excellent, along with shiftry. Solid taste but a bit of faggotry in the honchcrow and starter. Drop both and you'll move up, surely.
Trying hard to be interesting and most likely a faggot in real life.
>>26938789Steelix is quite good but everything else is shit
Nice, but a bit too much steel.
>>269393313/10 gay edge
>>269394672/10 worst starter and eeveelution.
>>269394906/10 Interesting, good types.
>>269407603/10 stop crawling in your skin
>>26940978>2 startersAss but i like dodrio
>>26941833>eeveelution>starter2/10 best i can give you.
>>26941894Rotom cut gives you an automatic 5/10
>>26942014Sligoo ruins it. 6/10
>>26942055How is the 7th grade kid?
>>26942108Starter ruins it, other than that quite good Cherim is incredible.
Incredibly generic.
>>269437225/10 drop the feraligator and talonmeme and you might go up a few points
>>269439954/10 boring
>>269443785/10 alright
>>269451914/10 boring