bothered me that my other ocs had "voice actors" but not these two so i threw something together for nyx and rina>>56472249>hope you take pride in your work.probably too much to be frank, it's why i get so touchy over how my art's used :/ that aside the kind words are always appreciated! i'm glad the visual weirdness gels well with people. while sada turning to face the viewer was really the only shot that felt "complicated" (it was the only animated part that required more than just shifting segments of the image) my personal favorite is the cutiefly swarm since i think it's got the most evocative imagery. the queen's garden helps us understand why azelie is what she is, gentle upbringings forging compassionate people, shows us that mystical and soft part of the world that manages to exist alongside the danger and cruelty. i know it feels like you're neglecting your other projects but i don't genuinely consider creating in any form to mean you're procrastinating. you're still dedicating yourself to your craft, so it's fine to focus on side projects. on that note, may more artists suddenly drop whatever they're doing to draw heliolisk
>>56472287expected a magical boy and got an smt protagonist yet i'm anything but disappointed, what a lad!
>>56473023fuck me thats painfully adorable, smiles to protect.
>How do you do animations?i'm not saying this to sound humble or anything but you don't want to take animation advice from me because i'm a stubborn lazy fuck with the grimiest, most unga bunga process known to man. whenever i animate i draw each layer individually and throw them into gimp which has a convert to animation function and export them as gifs so no actual animation software enters the workflow at any point (as i'm too lazy to learn them). to make them into videos i just use some browser site called clipchamp. but it doesn't let you work frame by frame so layering it over music is a headache, hence the poor synching