>>36112279>a crisis>consequencesDramatic, I like it. Although, I think if there were consequences to gg, it was:
- Hastening the growing distrust of the media by way of humiliating media braveboys.
I mean, it's already pretty self-evident that dear, sweet Ben Kuchera literally can't do anything at this point without getting himself BTFO daily. At this point, 'games media' is basically a joke that keeps getting funnier by the day as these idiots desperately attempt to save their failing outlets from financial ruin.
- /pol/ being cancer and the mainstream media being a dumpster fire has only served to make the media look like dumb jackasses and make them less trustworthy than ever.
- Made /pol/ more relevant than ever.
Of course, there's also more censorship online and off than ever. But this was predictable long before gg was a thing. Things have been going this way since the '90s, but people were simply less receptive to the message back then and it had to pull back. But this shit has been steadily building since at least the '60s. If this really is a 'crisis', it's not because of some stupid shit that a bunch of salty autists did a couple years ago. The craziers were already working their way in, things would have still gone this way even if gg never happened in the first place.