>>43201066>nostalgiapeople like the older games (gen III and especially gen II and below). it's fun to reminisce about how the games were as a kid, or to go back older stuff and take a second look at it
>competitive pokemonvgc, smogon metas, etc. because the ruleset of any meta, along with the vision of what constitutes a "healthy" or "enjoyable" meta (which aren't necessarily the same) are ultimately subjective and arbitrary, this can open itself to the same autism and argument listed below
>challenge runsfunmon soloruns, monotype runs, nuzlockes, etc all can add a breath of fresh air to what can otherwise be a stagnant franchise and add more depth to strategy in a game for kids
>autisma lot of vp spouts shit like "if you like/dislike this game mechanic/metagame/pokemon/generation/game design philosophy/monster design philosophy/setting that I dislike/like, you're wrong and retarded!" this shit is at least half of vp I swear. it sucks, but at the same time it keeps the board and fandom alive so I can give it a pass
>furriescertain people want to fuck certain pokemon. I'm not sure why. not going to comment.
>general horninesscertain people want to fuck the fictional characters from the games. not all of them are of age. again, not going to comment