Here's my list. Anything that seems like it doesn't add up is because I'm a pedant over words: fav. gimmick > fav. GMax being the most obvious one to me; Snorlax being the coolest conceptually, but in practice, I love GMax Butterfree the most. Don't care if there is two legs in my team, or all of them overtaking the less interesting mons that populate their typing. They all groove hard in design and that's what I care about.
>>54656979Some of your choices are based, primarily due to parallel taste, a lot of them I understand, but absolutely couldn't list as my favorites. We're opposite universe kin, but good job being a fellow Articuno enjoyer.
>>54657118The overlaps tinge some autism in me, but at least the few overlaps I see are good choices, and you picked a few that fell just short of hitting favorite for me. Falinks is a strong contender for me, but the redesign for Farfetch'd pushed them over the edge from great to S tier for me. Love this one.
>>54657509This list reads like a meme, and not a bad one, but definitely a meme. I enjoy it, and not bad taste, but some of these choices eke a little too close to popular for me. Keep rocking, anon, and never falter.