I took Quilava’s wissy cat up my clown car all day and sucked him off more times than I can remember. He barely went soft the entire time I made love to him, the cockring and the drugs helped keep him hard and ready, but for some reason he kept trying to jump out the window from me each time I tried to pleasure him, and he makes me sit on his face before he eats me out. Quilava’s such a silly tease. He came at least thirteen or fourteen times today. I love feeling full of his sperms
hosht i forgot ethan was coming home 2day and I left the front door unlocked and ethan walked on me riding Quilava’s cock cowgirl style as he came to bring his pokemon home. He was screaming at me and stormed out with quilava in his arms
dont have much time 2 write, got2clear my browser history and all my pokephilia vids from my computer, luckily my main stash is backd up on a thumb drive I hid inside a super NES cart. i’m gona put the cart in a box of crap and put it up in the attic einc ase the cops come, theres no way in hell there going to be able to find it
i gues si shouldh ide this jurnal too just i case thye find i and he tries to say i absed his qualva or somethign g2g bye