As usual the themed areas are done well.
Thursday and Friday had sunny weather and the large, completely shaded spooky woods was a great area to cool off. Had spiderwebs and spooky wells with billowing fog machines. Reason to include it in the walking loop was wild absols.
Sandy area came out well in AR shots and had a frankly ridiculous number of stops in a tight grid (30+ stops. Think paris mall density.) Bronzors and sandshrews were the main pull.
Buckingham fountains (not shown, Google it) shot this huge jet of water into the air every 5ish minutes that would get blown by the wind deluging the entire east side of the fountain path up to the grid of porta potties at the border of the park. Huge groups of players would get soaked, wet phones and batteries and all. It was refreshing and honestly watching people try to dodge the falling water jet and to get completely caught off guard was just great.
Winter and faerie garden areas were not memorable. Snow machine and bubble blowing machine was the extent of the theming.
Hydration stations were better this year and never had a line. Food truck scene was good too.
Gofest 2 >> 3 >> 1. The shiny farm was just way less lit this year with a lower spawn density and lower shiny rate (I believe.) The main thing to farm was shiny flower crown eevees but only 4 were probably up at any time and the 6 stops that could spawn them (lure spawn) were 50% of the park apart. Grant park is frankly a pretty shitty venue just due to reception issues. Mobile cell towers were conspicuous and the only reason the event worked at all, but there were still issues logging in and getting consistent play at the faerie garden areas.