>>55396607The first image I ever seen of a snek-girl with 2 clits was from a 2013 dōjin compilation I once read on SadPanda though.
Also you don't need to believe me or them, but I am willing to take that reasonig for granted, considering how easy it was me to find actual IRL bestiality vids on what was supposedly an SJW echo-chamber that allegedly detested sexually exploiting women.
>it's about the genders someone is attracted to, not whether they have a sex drive. So vacuum-cleaners have a gender now?
>I find it very easy to believe that someone who gets off exclusively to macro furry latex inflation might not be attracted to any actual humans. That's probably why I want to murder actual fags IRL, but have no problems with giving the cute&funny kemono bois a rape correction after they try their damnest to seduce an adult like me so boldly
I also hate how meatspace trannies ruined Futas as a fetish for anyone who doesn't want to validate their mental illness