>>54202790I see what you mean; just about (I say just about because I haven't played the Switch games so they might've fixed this issue but looking at their region maps it doesn't really look like it) every post-Sinnoh region has something akin to Mario-syndrome where the designers feel like every single element needs to be represented somewhere.
Game Freak thinks that every region NEEDS to have a fire region, every region NEEDS to have an ice region, every region NEEDS to have a cave region and every region NEEDS to have a desert region, etc.
I'd wager purely on a world-building (not necessarily gameplay) level, Sinnoh probably does it the best because the entire region is structured around one central landmark (Mt. Coronet) which not only makes it a believable enough world, but also helps it stand out compared to the more believable regions like Kanto and Johto. I do wonder if the decision to go from more realistic world building to much more video game-y region design has to do with complaints regarding an overabundance of Water types in Hoenn and an overabundance of Rock / lack of Fire in Sinnoh.