After a bit of level grinding we have our third badge on lock, Clout the Skiploom dealt with Whitney's Clefairy without taking a single hit thanks to Sleep Powder, landing a Leech Seed on the incoming Miltank and tanking a crit Rollout beautifully before switching into Rocky and letting him finish things off. Perhaps the cleanest Whitney fight I've ever had, Leech Seed is such a help against Miltank, but it's tricky accessing it in a nuzlocke since only Hoppip and Exeggcute are available to use it (in gen 2, gen 4 also has Sunkern). I'm not sure if this team is equipped to handle Morty however, even though the Gastly line can be hit with Ground type moves the only one I have available is Mud-Slap which is...yeah. Might get Abra from the Game Corner again and go that route, I do want to use an Alakazam here in Gen 2 anyway so now might be the time to do that
>>57221217Sad to see Healthy go, I know I've had several losses due to hubris and stubbornness myself so I know that sting well. At least Silky is still going strong, and yeah Wobbuffet is actually quite useful with enough luck and prediction, had one in Emerald that actually managed to really clutch things out in the league against Drake